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偒寒 (傷寒疫苗)
Typhoid (Typhoid vaccine)

免疫能力於接種後 14 天才產生,故旅遊者前往高危地區前需要預備足夠的時間接種。

Typhoid vaccine can be given to persons two years of age and older. Vaccination is recommended to those subject to unusual exposure to typhoid from occupation, those travelling to endemic areas (such as East Asia).

The vaccine becomes effective about 14 days after the injection. Travellers should allow adequate time for vaccination before departure to high risk areas.

Minimum duration of protection is at least two years. Booster doses are desirable for those at
continuous risk of infection.

偒寒 (傷寒疫苗)
Typhoid (Typhoid vaccine)

免疫能力於接種後 14 天才產生,故旅遊者前往高危地區前需要預備足夠的時間接種。

Typhoid vaccine can be given to persons two years of age and older. Vaccination is recommended to those subject to unusual exposure to typhoid from occupation, those travelling to endemic areas (such as East Asia).

The vaccine becomes effective about 14 days after the injection. Travellers should allow adequate time for vaccination before departure to high risk areas.

Minimum duration of protection is at least two years. Booster doses are desirable for those at
continuous risk of infection.

電話 TEL: +852 27161515
傳真 FAX: +852 27161505

Monday -  Friday                  9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Saturday                                9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Sunday & Public Holiday     Closed

​By appointment

Hong Kong Infectious Diseases Specialist Centre

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