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甲型肝炎疫苗 (成人/兒童疫苗)
Hepatitis A Vaccine (Havrix 1440/ Havrix 720 Vaccine)

甲型肝炎疫苗 (成人/兒童甲型肝炎疫苗)
甲型肝炎是一種病毒性傳染病,病毒可以在淡水或鹹水生存達 12 個月之久,亦可生存於食物內數天以上,因此感染途徑主要為不潔的食物和食水,貝殼類海產及未經煮熟的食物都是最典型的例子,衛生環境較差的地區如中國、東南亞、南美及部分非洲地區,都是甲型肝炎的溫床。甲型肝炎也可由患者雙手經人傳人的途徑直接傳播。


甲型肝炎潛伏期通常約為 4 星期,但亦可能為期 15 至 50 日不等。感染甲型肝炎病毒初期,各人程度不同,主要包括食慾不振、疲倦、噁心、嘔吐、腹瀉、發燒和上腹不適。較嚴重者,會出現黃疸(皮膚及眼白變黃),以及小便變成深茶色的狀況。但部分患者亦可能全無症狀。這些病徵可能會持續數星期,甚至多月。大部分患者可完全康復,但在少數病例中,肝臟受損害的時間可能會延長。患者康復後通常會終身免疫,不會成為長期帶病毒者。

Hepatitis A is a liver disease caused by the hepatitis A virus. Since the virus can survive in water for more than a year, hepatitis A is often caused by drinking contaminated water, or eating contaminated shellfish like oysters, clams, cockles or mussels. Hepatitis A is mainly transmitted by contaminated food and water as well as eating shellfish and food without proper cooking. The adverse hygiene circumstances are the hotbeds of HAV, such as in China, East Asia, South America and partial Africa. It usually leads to acute hepatitis. It is also possible for the virus to be transmitted from person to person through close personal contact.
The symptoms are nausea and diarrhea, fever and jaundice signs. If without appropriate care, it can worsen to liver failure, and even death.

甲型肝炎疫苗 (成人/兒童疫苗)
Hepatitis A Vaccine (Havrix 1440/ Havrix 720 Vaccine)

甲型肝炎疫苗 (成人/兒童甲型肝炎疫苗)
甲型肝炎是一種病毒性傳染病,病毒可以在淡水或鹹水生存達 12 個月之久,亦可生存於食物內數天以上,因此感染途徑主要為不潔的食物和食水,貝殼類海產及未經煮熟的食物都是最典型的例子,衛生環境較差的地區如中國、東南亞、南美及部分非洲地區,都是甲型肝炎的溫床。甲型肝炎也可由患者雙手經人傳人的途徑直接傳播。


甲型肝炎潛伏期通常約為 4 星期,但亦可能為期 15 至 50 日不等。感染甲型肝炎病毒初期,各人程度不同,主要包括食慾不振、疲倦、噁心、嘔吐、腹瀉、發燒和上腹不適。較嚴重者,會出現黃疸(皮膚及眼白變黃),以及小便變成深茶色的狀況。但部分患者亦可能全無症狀。這些病徵可能會持續數星期,甚至多月。大部分患者可完全康復,但在少數病例中,肝臟受損害的時間可能會延長。患者康復後通常會終身免疫,不會成為長期帶病毒者。

Hepatitis A is a liver disease caused by the hepatitis A virus. Since the virus can survive in water for more than a year, hepatitis A is often caused by drinking contaminated water, or eating contaminated shellfish like oysters, clams, cockles or mussels. Hepatitis A is mainly transmitted by contaminated food and water as well as eating shellfish and food without proper cooking. The adverse hygiene circumstances are the hotbeds of HAV, such as in China, East Asia, South America and partial Africa. It usually leads to acute hepatitis. It is also possible for the virus to be transmitted from person to person through close personal contact.
The symptoms are nausea and diarrhea, fever and jaundice signs. If without appropriate care, it can worsen to liver failure, and even death.

電話 TEL: +852 27161515
傳真 FAX: +852 27161505

Monday -  Friday                  9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Saturday                                9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Sunday & Public Holiday     Closed

​By appointment

Hong Kong Infectious Diseases Specialist Centre

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