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HPV 病毒 / 子宮頸癌疫苗
(加衛苗 9 合 1 疫苗)
HPV Cervical Cancer Vaccine (Gardasil 9)

感染人類乳頭瘤狀病毒(HPV)的情況極之普遍,女性和男性都有機會感染 HPV 病毒。 由初次性接觸開始,風險已經存在。HPV 並非只靠性交傳播,單單生殖器部位的皮膚接觸已可傳染,使用避孕套亦不能全面預防。

擁有多個性伴侶,感染的風險相應增加。此外,女性感染 HPV,有機會於生產過程中令初生嬰兒受感染。

全球每分鐘約有 1 人診斷罹患子宮頸癌,在女性癌症中佔第二位。子宮頸是指子宮下端與陰道相連的一個狹窄通道。子宮頸癌乃是一種侵襲性的腫瘤,子宮頸癌是由不正常的細胞病變開始,經過一段時間形成。這些病變多數會變回正常,但部分則在數年間發展成為癌症。早期的細胞病變和癌症之間的分別,在於癌症有能力侵略毗連的組織,並擴散到較遠的地方。意思是指這個瘤能從子宮頸的表面侵入到較深入的組織,並傳至毗連的器官 (例如陰道、神經、骨盆和腎),最後擴散到較遠的器官,例如肝臟、肺和腦。

HPV infection is such a very common situation that both women and men have the opportunity to HPV infection. Beginning from the initial sexual contact, risk already exists. HPV is not only sexually transmitted; genital skin contact alone can be already infected. HPV can infect areas that are not covered by a condom, so condoms may not fully protect you against getting HPV. Having multiple sexual partners can also increase the risk of infection. And a mother can transmit HPV to her baby during birth.
Approximately 1 person is diagnosed with cervical cancer in every minute. Cervical cancer is the second most common female cancer in the world. The cervix is at the lower part of the uterus (womb). The cervix joins the uterus to the vagina. It is an invasive tumour affecting the cervix. The development of cervical cancer is a series of events starting from abnormal cell changes. The majority of these changes will regress to normal while some may progress to cancer over years. The difference between early cell changes and cancer is that cancer possesses the ability to invade adjacent tissue and spread to distant body sites while cell changes do not. 'Invasive' means that the tumour can spread from the surface of cervix into the deeper tissues, which in turn may spread to adjacent structures (e.g. vagina, nerve, pelvis
and kidney) and finally to distant organs such as liver, lung and brain.

HPV 病毒 / 子宮頸癌疫苗
(加衛苗 9 合 1 疫苗)
HPV Cervical Cancer Vaccine (Gardasil 9)

感染人類乳頭瘤狀病毒(HPV)的情況極之普遍,女性和男性都有機會感染 HPV 病毒。 由初次性接觸開始,風險已經存在。HPV 並非只靠性交傳播,單單生殖器部位的皮膚接觸已可傳染,使用避孕套亦不能全面預防。

擁有多個性伴侶,感染的風險相應增加。此外,女性感染 HPV,有機會於生產過程中令初生嬰兒受感染。

全球每分鐘約有 1 人診斷罹患子宮頸癌,在女性癌症中佔第二位。子宮頸是指子宮下端與陰道相連的一個狹窄通道。子宮頸癌乃是一種侵襲性的腫瘤,子宮頸癌是由不正常的細胞病變開始,經過一段時間形成。這些病變多數會變回正常,但部分則在數年間發展成為癌症。早期的細胞病變和癌症之間的分別,在於癌症有能力侵略毗連的組織,並擴散到較遠的地方。意思是指這個瘤能從子宮頸的表面侵入到較深入的組織,並傳至毗連的器官 (例如陰道、神經、骨盆和腎),最後擴散到較遠的器官,例如肝臟、肺和腦。

HPV infection is such a very common situation that both women and men have the opportunity to HPV infection. Beginning from the initial sexual contact, risk already exists. HPV is not only sexually transmitted; genital skin contact alone can be already infected. HPV can infect areas that are not covered by a condom, so condoms may not fully protect you against getting HPV. Having multiple sexual partners can also increase the risk of infection. And a mother can transmit HPV to her baby during birth.
Approximately 1 person is diagnosed with cervical cancer in every minute. Cervical cancer is the second most common female cancer in the world. The cervix is at the lower part of the uterus (womb). The cervix joins the uterus to the vagina. It is an invasive tumour affecting the cervix. The development of cervical cancer is a series of events starting from abnormal cell changes. The majority of these changes will regress to normal while some may progress to cancer over years. The difference between early cell changes and cancer is that cancer possesses the ability to invade adjacent tissue and spread to distant body sites while cell changes do not. 'Invasive' means that the tumour can spread from the surface of cervix into the deeper tissues, which in turn may spread to adjacent structures (e.g. vagina, nerve, pelvis
and kidney) and finally to distant organs such as liver, lung and brain.

電話 TEL: +852 27161515
傳真 FAX: +852 27161505

Monday -  Friday                  9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Saturday                                9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Sunday & Public Holiday     Closed

​By appointment

Hong Kong Infectious Diseases Specialist Centre

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