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帶狀疱疹疫苗 (生蛇疫苗注射)
Zoster vaccine (Shingrix)

帶狀疱疹疫苗 (生蛇疫苗注射)「生蛇」(醫學名稱:帶狀庖疹) (又稱皮蛇) 是潛藏體內水痘病毒引起呈帶狀的紅疹。95% 成年人均出過水痘,水痘愈合後病毒會潛藏人體神經裡處休眠狀態,永遠不會離開你的身體,病毒會沿著脊髓神經到不同部位的皮膚表面,形成紅疹、水泡。所有曾患水痘的人士,都有機會生蛇,神經與皮膚相連的任何地方都有機會 ;

因此 95% 成年人均有生蛇風險。免疫系統隨年齡增長逐漸減弱,潛伏的病毒較容易再度活躍,並沿著脊椎神經,去到其所連接的皮膚表面形成皮疹,而背部及腰部的一側更是最常見的發病位置。生蛇可持續長達 30天,產生的疼痛可遠超想像。任何年紀都有機會生蛇,但 50 歲後發病機會明顯增多,年紀愈大患病風險愈

Herpes zoster, commonly known as shingles, a viral disease characterized by a skin rash with blisters, often appears in the shape of snake. Herpes zoster is caused by a virus as same as varicella. For people who have past history of having varicella, the virus would remain latent in their nerve cell bodies and may reactivate again later in life to develop herpes zoster. Therefore, people who have ever developed varicella would have a chance of getting shingles. The herpes zoster virus will spread through the
nerves in spinal cord to skin surfaces to form rash, one side of the back and waist are common areas of infection. 95% of adults are at risk for zoster because they have been exposed to chickenpox. As you age your immune system weakens, making it easier for zoster to break through your body’s defences.

Therefore, the risk of zoster increases substantially as you age. Evidence showed that the risk of having
herpes zoster increases at the age of 50. The shingles rash can last up to 30 days, patients will sufferfrom severe pain.


帶狀疱疹疫苗 (生蛇疫苗注射)
Zoster vaccine (Shingrix)

帶狀疱疹疫苗 (生蛇疫苗注射)「生蛇」(醫學名稱:帶狀庖疹) (又稱皮蛇) 是潛藏體內水痘病毒引起呈帶狀的紅疹。95% 成年人均出過水痘,水痘愈合後病毒會潛藏人體神經裡處休眠狀態,永遠不會離開你的身體,病毒會沿著脊髓神經到不同部位的皮膚表面,形成紅疹、水泡。所有曾患水痘的人士,都有機會生蛇,神經與皮膚相連的任何地方都有機會 ;

因此 95% 成年人均有生蛇風險。免疫系統隨年齡增長逐漸減弱,潛伏的病毒較容易再度活躍,並沿著脊椎神經,去到其所連接的皮膚表面形成皮疹,而背部及腰部的一側更是最常見的發病位置。生蛇可持續長達 30天,產生的疼痛可遠超想像。任何年紀都有機會生蛇,但 50 歲後發病機會明顯增多,年紀愈大患病風險愈

Herpes zoster, commonly known as shingles, a viral disease characterized by a skin rash with blisters, often appears in the shape of snake. Herpes zoster is caused by a virus as same as varicella. For people who have past history of having varicella, the virus would remain latent in their nerve cell bodies and may reactivate again later in life to develop herpes zoster. Therefore, people who have ever developed varicella would have a chance of getting shingles. The herpes zoster virus will spread through the
nerves in spinal cord to skin surfaces to form rash, one side of the back and waist are common areas of infection. 95% of adults are at risk for zoster because they have been exposed to chickenpox. As you age your immune system weakens, making it easier for zoster to break through your body’s defences.

Therefore, the risk of zoster increases substantially as you age. Evidence showed that the risk of having
herpes zoster increases at the age of 50. The shingles rash can last up to 30 days, patients will sufferfrom severe pain.


電話 TEL: +852 27161515
傳真 FAX: +852 27161505

Monday -  Friday                  9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Saturday                                9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Sunday & Public Holiday     Closed

​By appointment

Hong Kong Infectious Diseases Specialist Centre

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